
3D modeling or photography ?

Article by:
Dr. Salar Tarverdi

It may be surprising to you that the name of 3D modeling is placed next to the name of photography or industrial videography. But there are similarities between the two that sometimes make one replace the other. Each has advantages and disadvantages that maybe few people pay attention to. In this article, we tried to answer the question whether 3D modeling can replace industrial photography?

To begin with, we must have a precise definition of industrial photography and when do we need industrial photography?

Industrial photography is a broad field and includes several different branches of photography. This type of photography refers to branches of photography that pursue commercial goals and are used to advertise, sell, or introduce goods, brands, or services.

Whatever business you have, you need to have quality photos of your products or services that can attract the customer's attention and have a lasting effect on his mind. For your success, it is important to introduce yourself to the audience in real and virtual space and create an effective visual effect for them.

Industrial photography refers to the photography of goods, services and even famous people in advertising campaigns. These images are used in magazines, newspapers, advertising catalogs and other media to advertise customers or their products and services.

Beautiful and high-quality images that can be seen in billboards, product catalogs, commercial websites, and other advertising materials are part of the subfields of industrial photography. The purpose of this branch of photography is to increase sales and create awareness among customers about the brand and products.

What is the purpose of industrial photography?

Undoubtedly, presenting low-resolution images can reduce customers' trust in you and your business and make them feel like a newbie. Also, a lot of use of usual patterns and formats in advertising photography will show lack of creativity and lack of innovation in your work and will not give you much profit to promote your business.

The main goal of industrial photography is to be faithful to reality and show the facts of a product. In such a way that in advertising a product, the use of lighting and scene design does not overwhelm the mind of the audience. A professional photographer in the field of industrial photography tries to use his knowledge and experience to capture the outstanding features and characteristics of the product.

In this branch of photography, all steps are carefully planned and the photographer tries to use his scientific knowledge to control everything and record accurate results. The goal is to display the product in a way that gives a true picture of it. Of course, this statement does not mean that the images are soulless, but it depends on the need and desire of the employer to depict his product.

Apart from the above, it should be said that the cost of industrial photography varies according to the type of photo requested, quality and even the photographer himself. For example, the cost of a photo used in a catalog (because it will be printed) will be very different from a photo that will be published on social networks. Also, in order to get better results, industrial photography requires a lot of trial and error, which requires a lot of time and money. On the other hand, making changes after finishing work in industrial photography is very limited. It means that the angles of the photo taken can no longer be changed significantly. The issue of color and light is the same. The most professional possible move is to re-record the image of the environment or product.

Recording image details, which is one of the requirements of industrial photography, is a very difficult and professional task in this field.

All this has caused an alternative and safe way to solve the above problems to emerge. And that is nothing but 3D modeling.

At first glance, it may seem very strange that 3D modeling is an alternative to industrial photography. But with a little thought, he might understand its logic.

3D modeling has the task of 3D rendering of an environment or product. This modeling should be done objectively and with all the details.

3D modeling consists of two steps. The first stage includes 3D design in 3D software. Solidworks , Katia, Blender, Maya, 3D Max, etc. are some of the 3D software.

The second step includes rendering. After the 3D design is finished, it is time to render the 3D design. Textures, colors, materials, light and even the environment are done in the rendering stage.

Everything can be completely changed and modified at each stage of 3D modeling. You can even record a video of the desired product. You can render several different photos and videos from the same model without spending a lot of money. Its design time is much faster than industrial photography. It also does not require physical equipment. Discussion of quality and attention to details, which is one of the main advantages of 3D modeling.



Industrial photography is a creative and important process in the field of marketing and advertising. Considering the importance of high-quality and creative photos in attracting audiences, industrial photography companies in Iran are growing and developing more and more. Having creative teams and necessary expertise in the field of photography and image editing, these companies offer different products and services to the audience in the best possible way.

Industrial photography can help you in various fields, including food and all kinds of food products, goods and souvenirs, sports equipment, furniture, factories and their products, clothing and shoes, artwork and making catalogs, photography for websites, etc.

But limitations and sometimes defects have made us think of creating an alternative way. 3D modeling! In which, in addition to paying attention to quality and details, we aimed to save time and money.

The Rock 3D team, having a team of expert experts, is ready to design any 3D models. Contact us now.

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